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my approach


we’re all climbing

Therapy is a relationship and a process of equals.

I’m not a mind-reader, all-knowing, or anywhere near infallible.

Trust me. I’m human just like you.

We all have mountains to climb.

We all have beasts to slay.

And we all get lost at times.

From my vantage point over on my mountain, I see you on your mountain. I can see your struggles and your triumphs. I see the paths you have to climb to reach the top. I can anticipate obstacles you might encounter by suggesting ways to break through barriers.

I’ll encourage you to keep going even when it feels like an endless climb. I’ll help you use tools to be more effective. I’ll cheer the shit out of you when you reach a new peak. I’ll mourn with you when you lose ground. I’ll help you see yourself and your climb differently.

My own mountain gives me enough perspective to help you climb the summit.

But you better believe that I’m still climbing too.

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What To Expect From Me


Forget cold and detached; I’m here to celebrate your successes as well as mourn with you during the losses


Just because you’re doing hard work doesn’t mean laughter and humor aren’t needed, in fact they’re needed even more

embracing the messiness of life

Life is messy! In therapy, we can put down the mask and the shield and show up as fully human and if not learn to love the mess, to at least learn to practice compassion when life gets messy.


Kindness and compassion are the foundations of my practice and my person; when we embrace compassion we seek understanding rather than judgement or blame and we practice acceptance


I believe that we grow the most in a caring, nurturing environment. I’ll work to create and hold space so that you feel seen, heard, and accepted

affirming practice

It is an honor and privilege to serve LGBTQ+ folx and those with Neurodivergence

celebrating differences and diversity

You are an expert of your own life and experiences, but that doesn’t mean that I expect you to teach me or educate me about issues of diversity or inclusion; instead we’ll celebrate your culture and beliefs and incorporate these into our work together

holding hope

Your hope might be in short supply; while working to reignite your sense of hope and possibility, I’ll hold the hope for you


my commitment to you


therapy is based on trust

Trust is built with honesty and transparency.

These are my commitments to you:

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I will

honor your pace

respect your identities

acknowledge you as the expert in your own life

recognize your strengths and appreciate your unique perspective

use a variety of techniques to help you explore and process

take a wellness perspective

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I won’t

force you to share or explore areas you aren’t ready to

question or ignore your identities

assume that I know everything about your life or experience

focus on labels or diagnoses

waste your time with worksheets or assign homework that doesn’t work for you life or goals

pathologize experience from a medical model