work with me

Caitlin is smiling while holding a cup of coffee

if you’re looking for worksheets and 5 steps-to-a-better-you style of therapy, I’m not your gal.

I’m not here to tell you what to do.

I’m here to guide you to listen to yourself.

I’ll accept you as you are and challenge you to accept yourself.

Believing in ourselves is hard. If you’d like some help and someone else to hold belief while you rediscover your own, I’m here to help.

Believing in ourselves is hard. If you’d like some help and someone else to hold belief while you rediscover your own, I’m here to help.

When you need someone to get how hard it is, I’ll honor your struggle.

And when you’re feeling defeated, I’ll help you remember your strengths.

When you need a cheerleader, I’ll wave my poms-poms and remind you just how capable you are.

I can’t promise to be perfect. But I can promise to recognize when I’ve stepped in it, own it, and work to repair it.

I believe that good therapy allows us feel safe enough to be fully seen.

And when who we are is accepted, understood, and even celebrated, we can begin to shift the way we see ourselves and how we interact with the world.

We can begin to believe that who we are now is good enough.

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the therapy experience



Technology is a tool that allows us to collaborate across distance, but our work together won’t feel distanced or disconnected.

Online therapy can be warm, inviting, and allow us to do deep work.

We’ll dive into the here and now of what’s not working in you life.

And we’ll recognize the ways that the past is influencing your life now and work towards making peace with it.

And we’ll do it all without the hassle of a commute!


types of therapy



In our work together, I’ll weave the following types of therapy into our sessions:

  • Acceptance and Commitment Therapy

  • Attachment-focused

  • Dialectical Behavior Therapy

  • EMDR

  • Parts work

  • Somatic psychotherapy

We’ll tune into both the brain and the body, working to integrate the wisdom of each.


areas of focus



In my practice, I focus on the following concerns:

  • anxiety

  • trauma

  • shame

  • self-doubt and self-esteem

  • gender and sexuality


behind the scenes



Peek into what’s behind the screen and into my world

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Clockwise from top left: my space is surrounded by greenery, though green might be a stretch for some. right top: You’ll likely find me sipping coffee when we meet, no matter than time of day. Also pictured, my first Pride flag, given to me by a mentor. bottom right: Generally my pup only makes guest appearances when ‘scaring’ off the mail. I can’t wait to see your pets though! bottom left: More plants + outside the window is my back garden, where I spend much of my time.