Let’s Connect!


Maybe you’ve seen a million therapists or maybe this is Your first time seeking out therapy…

Whichever the case, the single most important aspect of therapy is that you feel connected with and understood by your therapist. It doesn’t matter how many letters they might have behind their name or what fancy trainings they’ve been to—if you don’t feel like they understand you, therapy won’t be as successful as it could be.

I don’t want to waste your time or money and I want you to get therapy that works for you. To ensure that I’m the right person to help you I do a video meet & greet with everyone who reaches out to me.

If I end up being the right therapist for you, we’ll schedule our first appointment. If I’m not the best person to assist you, I’ll help you connect with other therapists that might be better suited. Life is hard, finding therapy that works for you shouldn’t be!

What to Expect in the Consultation

We’ll spend 20 minutes talking about what brings you to therapy and what changes you want to make in your life. I’ll ask some questions, give you time to ask me any questions you might have about therapy, me or my therapy style, or anything you might want to ask.

By the end of our chat, it’s likely clear to both of us if we’re a good fit to work together and if I’m not the therapist for you, I’ll be happy to provide some ideas about who might be.